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Legacy PBM Model is Misaligned with Plan Sponsors’ Interests and Needs

How do you effectively manage and mitigate constantly rising drug costs to ensure the lifelong health of your members/patients and the continuing viability of your organization’s benefits plans? The pharmacy benefits management (PBM) industry was originally founded with the objective of solving these issues, especially to manage the inexorable rise of prescription drug costs. The problem is that traditional PBM players have been pushing a volume-focused, rebate-driven approach to pharmacy benefits care at the expense of plan sponsors and their members.

This business model of the largest PBMs is fundamentally misaligned with the interests and needs of the customers and patients they purport to serve.

The fact is, contracts that are structured around per-claim administration fees, or those that maximize rebates, are incentivized to increase the volume of claims. A volume-driven model does not address the growing concerns around sustainable spending and making sure the most clinically appropriate therapies are provided to members/patients.  In addition, increased volume causes members to pay more or take medications they don’t need. Ultimately, plan sponsors are left to pay the bills.

That traditional PBM model is so flawed that government regulators and the US Congress are moving aggressively to adopt new measures that will bring more transparency to the industry and rein in the self-dealing practices of the major PBM players.

The legacy PBM model is clearly broken, resulting in a vicious cycle of poor plan results and sub-optimal patient health outcomes.

A Better Pharmacy Care Model

There is a better pharmacy care model. It’s founded on a significantly more efficient, clinically-appropriate approach to managing the seemingly constant rise in prescription drug costs and ensuring the health and wellbeing of members/patients. Simply stated, this revolutionary PBM model prioritizes healthcare value over rebate-driven drug volume.

EmpiRx Health pioneered value-based pharmacy benefits management. From day-one our mission has been to fundamentally transform pharmacy care by focusing on true healthcare value for our customers and their members. We’ve done that by replacing the traditional PBM model, which prioritizes volume-driven profits, with a clinically-driven, customer-first approach that is fully aligned with the interests and needs of our customers and their members/patients.

EmpiRx Health partners with customers to make it easy (and fast) to implement the highest quality pharmacy care, enabling them to optimize the health and wellbeing of their members. That means no disruptions and no surprises.



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We Hold Ourselves Accountable Through

Our pay-for-performance model allows you to treat your pharmacy spend as a strategic, performance asset, not just an expense. As such, we don’t get caught up in volume-based discounts that incentivize more prescriptions while ignoring health outcomes.

Instead, we lower total pharmacy spend by optimizing every population’s drug mix—we save our customers money by getting the right drug to the right patient, at the right cost.

And we hold ourselves accountable through an auditable clinical savings guarantee. If you’re not saving money, we shouldn’t profit.

Better, more effective pharmacy care not only helps to substantially lower drug spending. It also has a significant impact on reducing downstream medical costs.

EmpiRx Health partners with customers to make it easy (and fast) to implement the highest quality pharmacy care, enabling them to optimize the health and wellbeing of their members. That means no disruptions and no surprises.

Discover How We Put You And Your Members First.

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